Fight Evil with Books!

a book blog about books I like.

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

other fantasy novels

Okay, some mini-reviews of other books I randomly picked out from the library!

Flightless Falcon by Mickey Reichert
an epic fantasy novel about a impoverished father who, after being released from prison, takes on a corrupt secret brotherhood to rescue his family. He is accompanied by a fairly typical motley crew and adventures and soul-searching occurs. It was a good read for a boring afternoon, but nothing special or particularly memorable, except the fact that it leaves room for a sequel.

The Witch, the Wizard and Two Girls from Jersey by
Lisa Papademetriou
I checked this out from the Bluebonnet Award winners, but it sadly wasn't that great. Another typical teen fantasy novel about two very different girls who get transported into a fantasy novel and end up changing how the story goes by their actions. The plot was supposed to be fairly typical, the characters annoying but occasionally hilarious. Overall, I could see how teen girls may enjoy this book, but for a more mature reader, you'll be rolling your eyes a lot. Especially at the cop-out ending.

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